Programs and Activities

WAEPS offers a variety of programs and activities to meet the needs of ophthalmologists at every stage in their career: 

  • Professional development through CME programs including the Monthly Scientific Meetings and the Annual Meeting
  • Training (in person and via webinar) for physicians and their staffs on coding and reimbursement
  • Legislative advocacy on the state and national level
  • Washington EyePAC raises and distributes campaign funds to state candidates who share our passion for quality, safe eye care for all Washingtonians
  • Volunteer opportunities including the Seattle/King County Clinic and the Range Health eye van
  • Young Ophthalmologists Section events featuring networking, socializing and content geared to young professionals
  • Mentoring by established physicians of UW ophthalmic residents and fellows
  • Representation at the WSMA annual House of Delegates and quarterly Advocacy Council meetings
  • Participation in the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) national meetings:  Mid-Year Forum in the Spring and the Annual Meeting in the Fall
  • Consulting and resources on a variety of questions and challenges
  • Opportunities to support education and outreach through contributions to the newly established charity: Washington Eye Foundation (WEF)
  • Staying current on trends and news via the InFocus Newsletter and member only emails
  • Leadership opportunities on WAEPS committees and task forces.  

If you’re not already a member of WAEPS, please consider joining.  Please visit our membership page for details. Already a member?  Be sure to log in each time you visit this site in order to see members-only resources, register for programs with the members’ discounts, update your profile information, pay dues, contribute to the WEF and EyePAC  and more.  Need more information about any of our programs and activities?  Feel free to contact the WAEPS office via email: [email protected]